Mayor of Haderslev on Walk-and-Talk visit
The mayor of Haderslev Hans Peter Geil, municipal director Peter Karm and business director Gert Helenius
CERTEX-NIKO crane solution for Forbo Siegling
This light overhead crane, which we have installed at Forbo Siegling, is used for service and repair of casting tools.
Mobile Jib Crane for Welltec
Welltec has opened several welding departments, which means that their department in Esbjerg is very busy packing many Assembly kits. This is where the mobile jib crane comes in handy.
We do not think you have grown over the summer, but. . .
you are going to fill up a little more this autumn/winter when the weather requires us to wear more clothes
CERTEX Danmark A/S expands with global set-up
Our Renewables Divison, which covers all of Europe, is now expanding to USA and China to keep up with the increasing inquiries from our customers who also operate globally. In the U.S. we have established the subsidiary company...