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When you have a statutory service inspection and/or repair of your cranes and lifting equipment carried out with us, you get online access to all your lifting equipment's reports in our service database CertMax+.
CertMax+ is a secure service database used by CERTEX internationally for registration of survey reports in connection with the annual statutory inspections of lifting equipment. As a user, you can recreate reports and certificates in real time from anywhere, as the system is accessible over the internet - eliminating the need for expensive paper-based systems and preventing potential errors.
How CertMax+ works
Your advantages with CertMax+
As a customer with us, you have free and unlimited access to your lifting equipment's history around the clock, where you can recreate reports and certificates in real time when it suits you. You are therefore always prepared for the annual audit, in the time it takes you to click on "print".
With CertMax+ you will get:
If you are already a user of CertMax+, you can find links to login here.
With CertMax+ you can access your certificates and inspection reports online.