The future of wire rope inspection

Rope Watcher™

Reduce downtime for your steel wire ropes with Rope Watcher™

Steel wires must be inspected regularly for deterioration and damage like all other lifting equipment. A yearly inspection must be carried out at least once a year by an competent person, and in addition, before each use of the steel wire, the operator should carry out a visual inspection of the wire. However, this may well be difficult if the wire is difficult to access or is in constant use. Here, Rope Watcher™ can be of great help..

Lifting KnowHow - CERTEX Danmark A/S

This is how Rope Watcher™ works

Rope Watcher™ is a permanent device that keeps the rope under constant control and provides indications about its wear status. It detects internal and external faults on the steel wire rope using the magneto-inductive method (MRT), which is nationally and internationally regulated.

MRT – Magnetic Rope Testing

MRT stands for Magnetic Rope Testing and is a non-destructive magnetic and non-contact testing method that detects broken strands, distortions, and corrosion on/in steel wires in real-time. The method is used widely across the heavy lifting sector and in the offshore sector, where steel wire ropes operate in harsh conditions.

The LF signal is the main technique in this field, and it is completely regulated by international standards. It consists in the measurement of the leakage flux that appears when a defective portion of rope is introduced into the device.

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The advantages of Remote Scanning with the Rope Watcher™

There are many advantages to using Rope Watcher™, you can keep an eye on the condition of your steel wires on an app on your cell phone, your wires are kept under constant surveillance and much more!

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Increased safety

The MRT inspects steel wire ropes in an efficient and secure way. This makes your production safer and reduces the risk of accidents and production downtime.

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Reduce downtime

The product gives your company an easy way to plan production stops for the maintenance of the wire rope which reduces production downtime.

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Managing the ropes lift cycle

Anticipate and plan the rope change more sustainably instead of discarding the ropes planned on guesswork and on how long time it’s been in production.

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24/7 inspection

The MRT is testing your steel wire rope 24/7 and gives you a notification alarm as soon there is any damage or excessive wear of the ropes.

We offer two MRT testing methods – a mobile, manual test and an automated test with

The mobile manual test procedure with Rope Watcher™

The mobile test procedure enables tests to be carried out flexibly and individually. In this process, a trained CERTEX service technician can locally test different wire ropes within one test order.

Equipped with a mobile testing device, the condition of the rope in question can be checked in a shorter time. The diagnostic software identifies possible damage along the entire rope and records all data in accordance with the international standard ISO 4309.

After the inspection, the test report is released to the CERTEX customer as valid legal protection.

Automated testing with Rope Watcher™

In the automated MRT method, the trained CERTEX service technician will permanently install the Rope Watcher™ on the wire rope as it passes through, so that the device continuously records data on the steel wire rope in real time.

Via a user interface linked to the software, the user can observe changes in the steel wire rope at any time or be notified when changes occur.

With the Rope Watcher™ you are always on the safe side!

Remote inspections and alarm mode

Rope Watcher™ works as a permanent-connected MRT system, allowing on-demand acquisitions, tracks saving and remote file transfer. This way, without leaving the office, it is possible to perform a deep analysis of the rope, acquire diagrams, download them on the PC and build actual reports.

If the condition requires further analyses (yellow or red area), it will be necessary to perform a more thoroughly inspection, to verify the actual condition of the rope. This alert functioning requires a calibration procedure so that the system can interpret data correctly, which can be done remotely.

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When MRT and when visual inspection of a wire rope

Some defects are visible and easily recognizable via a visual inspection, but to detect hidden defects in a steel wire rope, an MRT test will be necessary.

The magnetic test method is suggested whenever the visual inspection is not enough for a correct steel wire evaluation. It was introduced in the ropeway sector to inspect running and carriage, and to identify internal and external defects. MRT devices are equipped with two different signals (on two separate electrical circuits) used to identify and estimate damage such as both internal and external broken wires and corrosion.


Modes of deterioration Assessment methods
Number of visible broken wires (including those which are randomly distributed, localized groupings, valley wire breaks and those that are at, or in the vicinity of, the termination) By counting
Loss of metallic area caused by broken wires Visual, MRT
Decrease in rope diameter (resulting from external wear/abrasion, internal wear and core deterioration) Ved måling
Loss of metallic area caused by mechanism other than broken wires e.g. corrosion, wear etc. Visual, MRT
Fracture of strand(s) Visual
Corrosion (external, internal and fretting) Visual, MRT
Deformation Visual and by measurement (wave only)
Mechanical damage Visual
Heat damage (including electric arcing) Visual


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We carry out service inspections

CERTEX Danmark A/S carries out inspection of lifting equipment, personal fall protection and cranes.

Wide range of wire rope and fittings

CERTEX Danmark A/S is your specialist in steel wire rope and fittings. See our product assortment here.

You can rent your lifting equipment with us!

At CERTEX Danmark A/S you can rent anything from tension- and spooling machines to lifting beams and Water Weights.