New ISO 14001 certificate with executive order no. 1064 (ISO 50001:2018 clause 6.3)
CERTEX Danmark A/S has received a new ISO 14001:2015 certificate, which now also includes executive order no. 1064 (ISO 50001:2018 clause 6.3) – mandatory energy audit in large companies.
Like many other companies, we are motivated to run a sustainable business, which also includes reducing our energy consumption.
Below we have listed some of our actions towards a greener energy profile:
- LED lights in all locations
- Light sensors in rooms with limited activity
- Sensor taps
- Hours on truck loaders
- Heat pumps
- Group KPI's on CO2 emissions on company cars
- Solar cells on company cars
- CERTEX strategic goal: replacing company cars from diesel to electric
- Implementation of several Team meetings to replace physical meetings
- Extra insulation layer
- Measuring units on machines
- We buy green electricity
- Good routines among employees (turning off lights, screens, etc.)
And of course, we can and will do more in the future!
Our sustainability work really kicked off back in 2009, where we became ISO certified in ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. With these certifications, we are committed to improve our environmental performance and work environment. Learn more about our certifications.
On our website, you can also read more about our sustainability work in our daily life.