Post By: CERTEX Danmark A/S

Test of large winch for wind turbine

Stiesdal Offshore Technologies A/S has manufactured 3 large hydraulic winches, which will be used together with the installation of a floating test offshore wind turbine in the sea west of Stavanger in Norway. The winch must be assembled on the floating foundation and its function will be, after towing from Grenå harbour, where the structure is assembled, to lower the keel on the foundation down to the operating position for approx. 60m depth.

The winches were tested in our test bench in Esbjerg, which can handle tests up to 1,200 tons. Our photographer was in and took a few pictures of the preparations for this the day before the test took place. In the pictures you get a feeling of the size of the winch and it is the largest winch that has been tested in the testbench to date.

If you also have equipment to be tested, please contact us, we have several different test benches and towers at our disposal.